Lacking a Title
A blog created to warehouse my work and thoughts during National Novel Writing Month

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Posted by: Greg @ 2:27 PM.
Well, this is where I'll keep at least one copy of the work I do for National Novel Writing Month. For those of you unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, it's an annual month long quote-unquote competition in which people challenge themselves to write a 50,000 word story (or at least 50,000 words of a story), which is essentially a short novel. I first heard about it when I was blogging a year ago, but not until after it had started, so I didn't participate then. A co-worker of mine mentioned it to me the other day and I decided I ought to get involved this year.My only previous experience with fiction writing is short stories, nothing coming close to the length I'm aiming for with this project. I haven't actually written anything in at least a year either. And, as of yet, I don't have any real clue what kind of story I'll be writing. I intend to let my pencil hit the page and go from there. The fun thing is that I've gotten a few of my friends to join up as well. Maybe I'll get them to post their work here. Besides the actual novel that I write, I plan on writing about the writing process as well.
About Me
Name: Greg
Location: Washington, DC, United States
Website: Grok Life
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