Lacking a Title
A blog created to warehouse my work and thoughts during National Novel Writing Month
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Posted by: Greg @ 1:39 PM.
So, I was doing some reading in the livejournal community for NaNoWriMo, and someone posted a link to a collection of 6 Word Stories that was published in Wired Magazine. I found it to be a very interesting little project, and some of the ones that they included were really good. Like,Gown removed carelessly. Head, less so.
- Joss Whedon
It's behind you! Hurry before it
- Rockne S. O'Bannon
Nevertheless, he tried a third time.I think what I'd like to do is to write a 6 word story every day during November to supplement my novel writing. The one that came to mind while I was reading the article was, "He was born, and he died."
- James P. Blaylock
About Me
Name: Greg
Location: Washington, DC, United States
Website: Grok Life
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