Lacking a Title
A blog created to warehouse my work and thoughts during National Novel Writing Month

Monday, October 30, 2006
Blog status
Posted by: Greg @ 1:07 PM.
Well, I decided to give the entire blog an overhaul, all of the preset layouts were bloated with code that I didn't feel was very necessary. It is still a work in progress though, since as it is now, it's still very bland.Main things to note are the links in the sidebar to the NaNoWriMo main page, the picture that will show the progress I'm making in my novel which also links to my overall progress profile, and my Pandora radio stations. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Pandora is an online individually customizable radio station. You provide it with an artist or a song that you like, and it plays songs and artists that are similar musically. You can then mark whether you like to dislike the songs it plays to make each station more customized. I've been addicted to it for the past few weeks and pretty much listen to it non-stop. I've no doubt that it will be providing the background music for any writing that I do at home.
About Me
Name: Greg
Location: Washington, DC, United States
Website: Grok Life
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So, I was doing some reading in the livejournal co...Well, this is where I'll keep at least one copy of...